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Our Competition Analysis, Intelligence & Benchmarking Services

Business is a competitive sport after all. You need to keep a hawk's eye on what your competition is up to. 

We provide you the right competition intelligence based on comprehensive market research and performing competitive analysis on each of your business competitor. All intelligence are finally developed into a comprehensive dashboard incorporating your financial and business performance benchmarked against competition's.

Industry Research and Peer-group Identification

Our expert research team spend time learning more about your industry and find out the specific segments and subsegments you operate in. One of the first objectives of our market research service is to identify your competitors and competing products/ categoriesRight peer group identification has great bearing upon relevance of what we do subsequently. After all, we don't want to compare apples with camels.

Competition Analysis and KPIs

We deep-dive into each of your identified peers. We analyse all your competitors thoroughly and put together all pertinent Financial, Operating and other key business performance indicators.

Standardizing and Mapping all data points

We map each of the data points pertaining to each member of the identified peer group against one another as well as with your own, keeping the periodicity, granularity, currency and exchange rate in mind, just to name a few compatibility factors that need to be considered in standardizing the data.

Pack everything in a neat, dynamic Dashboard

Your financial, operating and other business performance metrices thus benchmarked against that of competition are packed in dynamic dashboards updated periodically. This gives you 360° view of your market landscape so you've the right competitive intelligence to take informed decisions.

Why should you choose Etomate Technology for Competition Benchmarking Service needs?

We at Etomate are obsessed with giving you all the intelligence and analytics pertaining to your external business environment in one single dashboard, comprising of peer-group comparison, competition analysis, macro economic indicators, industry-specific barometers , social analytics and much more. All this fully customised to suit your requirements. We've developed one-of-its kind database that breaks the data silos and brings together micro-economic data, macro-economic data, sectoral data, industry metrices as well as data pertaining to your competition. What's more, our benchmarking service also lets you to plug in your own company's data.

Result? You get a 360° intelligence of your business environment in a crisp, user-friendly, intuitive and dynamic dashboard where you can drill-down or drill-up to any level, show or hide any dimension. You can search for, analyse and visualize the data-point (e.g. Sales growth, RoI etc) and entity (e.g. industry as a whole, a specific company). All this without any technical knowledge on your part. We do all the heavy-lifting in the background!