Premium content with company-level financial information, advanced search and other features

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All information have been gleaned from consolidated financial statements- Balance Sheet and Income Statement or Profit & Loss Account- of more than 36,000 companies listed across more than 80 countries. We rigorously standardize and summarize the data before creating crisp and simple yet highly insightful visualizations out of them.

Whether you want to see absolute numbers or are interested in analytical ratios, whether your interest lies in just one country, sector or industry or many, follow the links on the navigation pan on the top to see all the diligently-crafted reports covering a wide range of financial measures.

Below are a brief description of various categories of financial ratios, analysis and graphs available in this section. 

All the charts in this section have been enriched with features and benefits that come with subscription, like ability to drill-down to individual company-level information and search by keywords in business profile.

Income Statement and growth rates  contain summarized income statements of listed companies across the globe expressed in million USD and year-on-year growth rates of its various components.

Balance Sheet and growth rates contain summarized balance sheets of listed companies across the globe expressed in million USD and year-on-year growth rates of its various components.

Profitability and return contain visualization of analytical ratios pertaining to operating and financial profitability of listed companies across the globe.

Capital structure and solvency contain graphs of analytical ratios showing what proportion of funds for the business has come from what source, level of indebtedness of the companies, adequacy of capital, composition of liabilities and shareholders' equity and debt servicing capacity.

Assets structure and utilization shows composition of total assets of listed companies across the globe and level of their utilization.

Working capital and liquidity is about composition of working capital components like current assets, current liabilities expressed in sales-days and adequacy of liquidity.